There are many ways you can become involved. UU Membership is not required to participate in these events. If you have questions or wish to participate in an activity, please call UU at (409) 765-8330 or email and the activity’s coordinator will contact you.

During this period of Pandemic Transition some events are returning to in-person meetings. Current plans are shown on the monthly calendar here.

Board of Directors Meeting

Led by: Susan Syler, Board Chair

The Board meets monthly and UU Members are welcome to attend. This meeting focuses on the details of ongoing management of the Fellowship.


Book Club

Led by: Bets Anderson

This is a casual meeting that focuses on one book per month, selected in advance by participants. It is open to all who enjoy reading and discussion.



Led by: Madeleine Baker

Bowlers meet every Wednesday at 3:00 pm. All are invited to make new friends, build community and make ceramic soup bowls for a good cause. The bowls are used for the Jesse Tree Annual Fundraiser. Beginners welcome.


Caring Committee

Led by: Mardi Mitchell and Nellie Umbaugh, Co-Chairs

This group has the goal of identifying those who may need assistance, encouragement or support. Please help them to do this important work by letting your needs or those of others be known.


Chalice Circles

Led by: Catherine, Vance, Intern or Suzette Tardif

Small groups of members and friends meet to discuss life issues. The practices of listening from the heart and intimate sharing provide opportunity to seek what is most authentic, powerful, and light-filled within ourselves and our faith community.

This creates a safe space to connect more deeply with each other and carry that connection into the congregation and the world at large. Please contact us if you are interested in participating in the next sessions.


Galveston Folk Family Concerts

Led by: James & Pam Johnson

We have concerts a few times each year with original acoustic singer-songwriters. Doors open 6 pm, concert 7 pm, refreshments provided. We need volunteers and snacks/desserts for each performance and people to come enjoy! Suggested donation varies $20-35. Upcoming concerts: September 16, 2023 Trout Fishing in America, October 14, 2023 The Therapy Sisters, January 21, 2023 Sam Robbins. For more information email, call 936-661-6332, or go to There is also a Facebook page.


Handcrafter Group

Led by: Martha Adams

For those who knit, crochet, embroider, quilt, or does any handcraft. Join in for tea, coffee, and companionship! This group meets in person and is open to anyone who is fully vaccinated is welcome. Masked and social distancing.


Membership Committee

Led by: Beverly LaRock

This group provides information about our Fellowship to those interested in joining as members, and maintains membership data. Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about membership in our Fellowship.


Music Group

Led by: James Johnson

This group provides music for Sunday Services. Please let us know if you have musical skills to add.


Social Action Committee

Led by: Shirley Adams & Susan Syler

This group plans our monthly Compassionate Collections and other social justice events. This group welcomes your ideas, energy, enthusiasm, and participation.


Sunday Service

Led by: Mary Case

We are beginning the transition from virtual-only service to "hybrid" services with both in-person and virtual access. Please see the Events section of the website for this week's plans, which will include a Zoom link for virtual access.


Supper Circles

Led by: Caecilia Fryrear

Host a dinner at your house with your fellow UU members. It's great way to have a great meal, conversation and get to know fellow UU members better.
