Visitors and residents alike are all welcome to UU Galveston.
We are a community with a wide diversity of backgrounds.
Members and friends of the congregation include believers and non-believers from a variety of backgrounds, all seeking to develop their own theological grounding.
Galveston enjoys a relaxed “island” dress code, and UU Galveston has a similar attitude to attire.
While a few members wear dressier outfits, the majority wear casual clothing. Children should wear comfortable clothes and their normal footwear.
Arriving a few minutes before the 10:30 a.m. service will give you (and your children) time to get comfortable before service begins.
A Greeter will let you know whether a child care volunteer is available. Children are welcome to remain in the Sanctuary during the service. If your child becomes too restless you may choose to sit with with them in the Childrens' play room, where you will still be able to listen to the service.
There is limited parking on the street around the Fellowship. We have permission to park in the Credit Union parking lot across the street.
Our main entrance is on 5th street.
When you enter the front door, you will be welcomed by a member of the congregation, offered a name tag, and provided with an order of service.
The greeter will be able to answer any questions you might have.
You may also ask the greeter to point out our information brochure rack.
It will have more information about this congregation as well as the Unitarian Universalist faith, and we hope you will take any brochures that interest you.
Before and after services, we have coffee available in our “Living Room;” just ask the greeter where that is.
You may sit anywhere you like in the worship space. Towards the beginning of the service, the Board member for that day will ask if anyone is a visitor.
If you are comfortable, you may choose to stand and give your name and where you are from, but that is optional.
The service normally consists of opening words, hymns, instrumental music, readings, a sermon, and an offering. We are a “lay-led” congregation and do not have a permanent minister.
The speaker on any given Sunday may be a visiting minister from a UU or other faith tradition, a member of our congregation, or a member of the community.
Children are welcome and may sit in the service with you. We have a limited number of child care volunteers, so child care during service is not guaranteed.
While Unitarian Universalist are very open to others joining our faith and congregation, you will not be pressured to join.
We have a number of brochures available that describe Unitarian Universalism from different perspectives.
If you wish, you can provide your contact information to receive weekly emails about upcoming activities, but there will be no further contact unless you wish.
If you would like more information, we offer a newcomer’s meeting each month, and one of our Membership Committee folks would be happy to talk with you individually. If you want to consider becoming a member of UU Galveston, you should take some time to attend several services, allow your children to participate in youth religious education, and consider how well Unitarian Universalism fits your personal faith.
The actual process of joining is quite simple: You sign our membership book and make a commitment of your time, talent and treasure to support this congregation. We schedule a brief ceremony called an “ingathering” from time to time, as a formal welcome to new members of the congregation.
If you would like to be contacted by someone in our Fellowship, please fill out the form below.
We are people of all ages, people of many backgrounds, and people of many beliefs.
We are brave, curious and compassionate thinkers and doers.
We create spirituality and community beyond boundaries, working for more justice and more love in our own lives and in the world.